
“Put the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on your child.”  


If we don’t take care of ourselves first, we have little to offer to those around us. There are times and circumstances this affects us all.


HALT stands for hungry, angry, lonely and tired—our basic needs. This has been used in addiction counseling, Alcoholics Anonymous, Promise Keepers and others as a warning when we are not at our best.


To increase your coping skills, follow these guidelines.

  1. HUNGRY – Hunger leads to stress, irritability and an inability to focus. It’s when we’re not ourselves. They make TV commercials about it! Think of food as fuel for your system. Plan your meals and snacks and follow healthy eating habits.
  2. ANGRY – Angry people don’t make good decisions. Anger causes us to act rashly and irrationally. Pay attention to your feelings. If you’re angry, talk – don’t act. Take a time out. Breathe. Remove yourself from the situation.
  3. LONELY – We are social creatures and need to feel we belong. When we’re stressed, depressed or anxious, we tend to isolate. Loneliness is a breeding ground for all kinds of bad things. To cope well with stress, we need a positive support system. Make sure you have a plan and people in place before you get lonely.
  4. TIRED – Fatigue makes us grumpy. When we’re stressed, we often have problems sleeping. Our bodies need a certain amount of rest to function optimally. Take time out to rest, quiet your mind, take a 20-minute nap to recharge the batteries.


HALT reminds us:

  1. To stop before we act out
  2. To tend to our physical and emotional well-being — not just go running around on fumes
  3. That feelings are transitory. Once we see them for what they are they lose their power over us.


HALT is a quick and simple checklist to get our feet back under us.